
Showing posts from March, 2009

Photoshop Color Palette

Another means of selecting colors in Photoshop is to use the Color palette, shown in Figure below. The Color palette is convenient, it’s always there, and it doesn’t hog your screen like the Color Picker dialog box. Frankly, this is the tool I use most often to select colors in Photoshop. To display the palette, choose Window>Show Color or press the F6 key. If you want, you can dock the palette in the Options bar palette well. For details on that intriguing offer. Either way, you use the elements and options inside the palette as follows: Foreground color/background color: Click the foreground or background color icon in the Color palette to specify the color you want to edit. If you click the foreground or background color icon when it’s already highlighted—as indicated by a double-line frame—Photoshop displays the Color Picker dialog box. Sliders: Drag the triangles in the slider controls to edit the highlighted color. By default, the sliders represent ...

Photoshop Predefined Colors

If you click the Custom button inside the Color Picker dialog box, Photoshop displays the Custom Colors dialog box shown in Figure below. In this dialog box, you can select from a variety of predefined colors by choosing the color family from the Book pop-up menu, moving the slider triangles up and down the color slider to specify a general range of colors, and ultimately, selecting a color from the color list on the left. If you own the swatchbook for a color family, you can locate a specific color by entering its number on the keyboard. The color families represented in the Book pop-up menu fall into seven brands: ANPA (now NAA, as I explain shortly), DIC, Focoltone, HKS, Pantone, Toyo, and Trumatch, all of which get a big kick out of capitalizing their names in dialog boxes. I honestly think one of these companies would stand out better if its name weren’t capitalized. Anyway, at the risk of offending a few of these companies, you’re likely to find certain brands ...