Acrobat Reading Mode

When you open a PDF document you can choose to view the file in one of two modes where the Acrobat menu remains visible. The two views include the default editing mode and Reading mode. Another mode available to you is Full Screen mode; however, in this mode the menu bar is hidden.

The new Reading mode command changes the view of PDF files in the Acrobat window. To switch to Reading mode, select View >> Reading mode. The screen view immediately changes to a different view. All toolbars are temporarily hidden and the Navigation panel likewise disappears.

If you have floating toolbars open the toolbars are hidden when you enter Reading mode. Floating Navigation panels they remain in view when in Reading mode.

Reading mode provides you with more space dedicated to your document without the interference of the Toolbar Well and Navigation panel. This mode makes it especially easier to devote your attention to reading document pages on laptop and tablet computers.

To understand some of the advantages for using Reading mode, follow these steps:

  1. Open a document in Acrobat. Use a file you are most likely to read such as a manual, a book, or essay.
  1. Change the view to a Two Page layout. Click the Two-Up tool in the Page Display toolbar in the Toolbar Well. Note that the tool should be visible if you loaded the tools.
  1. Open the Comment & Markup toolbar. If you review a file or read an eBook, you might want to make some notes on the file. However, you can’t stay in Reading mode if a toolbar is opened. Selecting a toolbar (View >> Toolbars >> Comment & Markup, for example) switches back to the standard edit mode.

  1. Change the view to Reading mode. After making edits with tools such as the Comment & Markup tools, you can return to Reading mode by pressing Ctrl+H.
  1. Scroll through the document pages. Navigating pages in Reading mode is not a problem without having the Navigation tools available. Move the cursor to the elevator bar on the right side of the Document pane and click the mouse button. As you move the bar up or down, you see a thumbnail view of pages as you scroll.

    1. Exit Reading mode. Press Ctrl+H and you return to the default editing mode.

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