Organizing Thumbnails in the File Browser

In addition to browsing images based on thumbnails, you can also sort the images based on a number of criteria. You can even rank the image based on a letter scale of A through E. This sorting method takes browsing images to a whole new level.

1. In order to change the display of files, click View on the File Browser’s menu bar.

2. To sort files, click Sort on the File Browser’s menu bar. (adjacent to the View button), and choose a sorting option. You can select from a wide range of sorting methods: Filename, Flag, Rank, Width, Height, File Size, Resolution, File Type, Color Profile, Date Created, Date Modified, and Copyright Notice.

3. Below the options for sorting methods, the order for the images can be displayed in ascending order by checking Ascending Order. This option displays files ordered from smaller to greater values of the sorting method you picked. If you selected the Filename sorting method, numbers at the start of a file name are shown first, followed by letters in alphabetical fashion. If Ascending Order is not checked, the order of the files will be the reverse or in descending order.

4. To apply a ranking to an image first choose the Large Thumbnail with Rank display option.

5. Then next click in the Rank field, type a letter or number, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS). Alternately, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) a thumbnail and choose a rank from the context menu.

6. To edit an image’s Metadata fields, first click the image and wait until the browser shows the image and its metadata in the Preview and Metadata panes.

7. Scroll the Metadata pane looking for editable fields, which are flagged by a pencil icon in the lefthand column.

8. Click the righthand column of the field and enter the information. When you are done, click outside of the editable region.

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